Raising up kids who know God and look like Jesus

Our ministries focus on building relationship with friends and mentors, and most importantly, with God. We believe there is as much of God available to kids as there is available to adults and that is reflected in our ministries. We engage with God through times of prayer, worship, understanding His Word, and of course, a ton of fun! Whatever your child's age, you can be sure they will find a home in the Gateway Family!

Follow the links below for more information and resources!

Sunday Morning Kid's Ministry

Welcome to the Gateway Kid's Basecamp!  
Upon arrival, please sign your children in at the Gateway Desk in the Foyer.  

After receiving name and guardian tags, the kids can join the main service for the first 3 worship songs. A slide will be displayed on the screen to indicate when the kids are dismissed to their classes.  

Please find more information about our classes and their locations below:  


For infants age 6 months - 2 years  
Drop-off and pick up at the Nursery Check-in Counter.


Children age 5 years - Gr 2.
Drop-off in the Gateway Kids room.


Children ages 3 & 4.
Drop-off at the preschool room front door.
Pick up at the preschool room back door.


Children in Grades 3 - 5.
Drop-off in the youth room.
Children in our Upper and Lower Elementary programs have the option to end the service with free time in the gym or quiet activities (such as LEGO and colouring) in the Gateway Kids room.
To pick up your child(ren), please walk through the youth room to the connecting corridor. If your child has chosen quiet activities, the classroom is straight ahead. If not, turn left to find the gym.
In both locations, a kids ministry team member will be at the doors to assist you.


The Gr 6-8 small group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
Please note: students are in the main service for all of worship and then will meet in the upper room for small group. They are not dismissed with the younger kids part way through worship.

Classroom Map

Our Programs:
  • Nursery (age 6 months - 2 years)
  • Preschool (age 3 & 4 years)
  • Lower Elementary (age 5 - Gr 2)
  • Upper Elementary (Gr 3 - Gr 5)

Club DJ is a midweek church club program designed to draw children from your community to your local church and win them to Christ!

Kids from kindergarten to grade five(5-10) can join us on Thursdays from 6:30-8:00pm in the kids room downstairs. Registration is $30 for the fall semester then $30 for the winter semester. We will be starting Thursday, September 19th at the church.
Click here to sign up!
Click here to check out our schedule!


Come Disciple Our Kids!

Are you are passionate about teaching kids truth and giving them opportunities to encounter God? Do you enjoy mentoring young ones in the ways of God?  If that's you, we want to invite you to be a part of what God is doing in our kids ministry!

We want our kids to be able to say
"I am on an adventure with friends, discovering who Jesus is, following him, and having fun along the way!"

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of fill out the form below and come join in the fun!

Where Can I Serve?

Kid Check-in Desk: Greet and help families checking their kids into Kid's Church
Nursery: Is there anything better than cuddling babies for a whole hour on a Sunday morning?
Toddler: Play games, make crafts, and tell a Bible story to our 2 & 3 yr olds.
Preschool: Hang out with kids in small groups, large group teaching time, and fun activities.
Gr. 1 - Gr. 5: Lead small group activities, play games, and take in a Bible story with the kids.
World Changers: Be a small group leader for our Thursday night program for grades 5-6 kids.  
Sound & Media: Man the soundboard & media in our Gr. 1 - 5 class.

Volunteer Signup Form

 Please fill out the form below if this feels like a fit for you!
Fill out my online form.


Amy Ball

Children's & Family Pastor

Misty Phillips

Children's Ministry Director

Family Resources

At Gateway we desire to equip our families to bring faith into the everyday routines of life.

Looking for fun crafts or great recipes that bring God into the conversation with your kids?  How about encouraging blogs about real life situations?  Check out www.homefrontmag.com!  It is full of great stuff and the authors of this magazine are also the authors of the curriculum we use in Kids Church.