Thanks for checking us out!
We understand that there are lots of questions you might have about our church family, what we believe, what we do, and who is leading the way. We hope we can answer some of your questions through the links below and by connecting personally with you!

Click on each leader to learn more about them!

BELONG in family means we’re committed to building authentic and meaningful relationships. We’re created for relationship! We believe that relationship is the groundwork and context for growth and transformation. We are family before function, belonging before believing.

DISCOVERing new life is about learning the truth of who I am in light of who God is. The work Jesus came to do was to bring all of us into the life and love He shares with the Father and Holy Spirit. When we discover what we’ve been included in we experience new life, better than a second chance, better than we can imagine.

FOLLOWing Jesus means that we are created to look like Him (love God, love others), to think like Him (transformation of our minds), and to act like Him (make the world better).

THRIVE in life means that we get to participate in showing the world what heaven looks like here on earth.
Life is a journey... no one should walk alone.
Our core values are the tap roots that sustain and uphold our church family culture. They are the values that make us uniquely “us” and act like guiding principles as we follow the way of Jesus.
We are a church that is KINGDOM MINDED
We are a church that is FAMILY FOCUSED
We are a church that is LOVE MOTIVATED
We are a church that is KINGDOM MINDED
- The kingdom is the dominion and the culture of heaven expressed on earth. We are transformed by understanding the nature of the kingdom that Jesus inaugurated through his life and death on the cross.
We are a church that is FAMILY FOCUSED
- To be created in the image of God is to be created for family. God is relentless in his pursuit of bringing everyone into his family through the work of Jesus.
We are a church that is LOVE MOTIVATED
- Our primary motivation for all that we do is other-centred, self-giving love. That means we accept everyone as they are, as well as journey with them through the pain of letting go of who they’re not. It means that the reason we exist is to love God, love each other, and love our community in all we do.
What We Believe
We believe that the Bible is the only inspired, infallible and authoritative testimony of the eternal Word of God become flesh, Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 3:16, John 5:39, John 1:1-18). There is one God, who has always existed as three persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 13:14; Matthew 3: 16, 17).
We believe what the ancient church creeds state:
• Jesus is the Son of God
• Jesus was born of a virgin
• Jesus was sinless
• Jesus healed people and performed miracles when He was living on the earth
• Jesus was punished and executed for the sins and sickness of mankind
• Jesus physically rose up from the dead
• Jesus ascended to the right hand of God the Father and, He will return to earth in power and glory to rule for a thousand years (Matthew 16:16, 1 Corinthians 15:3-6; Matthew 24:30)
We believe what the ancient church creeds state:
• Jesus is the Son of God
• Jesus was born of a virgin
• Jesus was sinless
• Jesus healed people and performed miracles when He was living on the earth
• Jesus was punished and executed for the sins and sickness of mankind
• Jesus physically rose up from the dead
• Jesus ascended to the right hand of God the Father and, He will return to earth in power and glory to rule for a thousand years (Matthew 16:16, 1 Corinthians 15:3-6; Matthew 24:30)
How do I become a believer?
The only way for God to free us from sin and death is through the life, death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ. We are ‘born again’ by accepting and believing in the work and person of Jesus Christ, asking God for forgiveness, and being baptized according to Jesus' command (1 Peter 1:18,19, Matt 28:19). Jesus Christ’s redemptive work on the cross provides healing for the human body in answer to believing prayer (1 Peter 2:24).
The Holy Spirit baptizes those who ask for it. When this happens we enable the wonderful Spirit of God to pray through us otherwise known as ‘praying in the Spirit’ or ‘speaking in tongues’ (Acts 2:4, 39).
The power and presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling inside Christians enables them to live a holy life (Galatians 5:16). The gifts of the Spirit are supernatural abilities given by God to believers to minister effectively and miraculously in particular situations (1 Corintians 12).
For more about what we believe see the links below, our PAOC affiliation, the PAOC statement of fundamental beliefs and essential truths, and the nicene creed.
The only way for God to free us from sin and death is through the life, death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ. We are ‘born again’ by accepting and believing in the work and person of Jesus Christ, asking God for forgiveness, and being baptized according to Jesus' command (1 Peter 1:18,19, Matt 28:19). Jesus Christ’s redemptive work on the cross provides healing for the human body in answer to believing prayer (1 Peter 2:24).
The Holy Spirit baptizes those who ask for it. When this happens we enable the wonderful Spirit of God to pray through us otherwise known as ‘praying in the Spirit’ or ‘speaking in tongues’ (Acts 2:4, 39).
The power and presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling inside Christians enables them to live a holy life (Galatians 5:16). The gifts of the Spirit are supernatural abilities given by God to believers to minister effectively and miraculously in particular situations (1 Corintians 12).
For more about what we believe see the links below, our PAOC affiliation, the PAOC statement of fundamental beliefs and essential truths, and the nicene creed.
Church History
Rev. John C. Cooke was approached, in the spring of 1957, to begin the first Pentecostal church in Leduc. The church began under the name of Leduc Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle. They began in the Elks Hall and, by September, there were 15 people in attendance. In the Spring of 1959, the congregation bought a piece of land and began building their first building. Pastor Cooke was here until 1967, and laid the foundation of what would become a strong church in Leduc.
Pastor Doug Gates served form 1967-1970, Pastor Colin Wellard served from 1970-1972, and Pastor Ronald Ellis served from 1972-1979. In 1979, Pastor Dave Webster began to lead the church.
Because of the growth in the church and the community, a new building was constructed and finished in 1981. The building cost over a million dollars at the time, and was built in the shape of a cross. The building is thirty thousand square feet. This is the building we are still using today with new renovations.
Pastor Webster left in 1982, and Pastor Peter Hubert began to lead the church. Under his leadership, the church continued to grow and was renamed Leduc Family Worship Centre. The reason for the name change was to let people know that we cared more about people having a relationship with God than being part of a denomination. Leduc Family Worship Centre continued to be part of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and was proud to do so, but we did not want the name to deter people from coming to worship here.
A Christian school was established in 1982, in the church, called Leduc Christian Academy, and ran until 1998. Pastor Hubert resigned in 1989. From 1989 to 1992, Pastor Albertus Clarence gave leadership to the church. Pastor Michael Grant served from 1992-1996.
Pastor Doug Gates served form 1967-1970, Pastor Colin Wellard served from 1970-1972, and Pastor Ronald Ellis served from 1972-1979. In 1979, Pastor Dave Webster began to lead the church.
Because of the growth in the church and the community, a new building was constructed and finished in 1981. The building cost over a million dollars at the time, and was built in the shape of a cross. The building is thirty thousand square feet. This is the building we are still using today with new renovations.
Pastor Webster left in 1982, and Pastor Peter Hubert began to lead the church. Under his leadership, the church continued to grow and was renamed Leduc Family Worship Centre. The reason for the name change was to let people know that we cared more about people having a relationship with God than being part of a denomination. Leduc Family Worship Centre continued to be part of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and was proud to do so, but we did not want the name to deter people from coming to worship here.
A Christian school was established in 1982, in the church, called Leduc Christian Academy, and ran until 1998. Pastor Hubert resigned in 1989. From 1989 to 1992, Pastor Albertus Clarence gave leadership to the church. Pastor Michael Grant served from 1992-1996.
Pastor Steve Holomis began to lead the church in 1996, and brought some much needed stability to the ministry. He served until the fall of 2001. God really helped him get the church's finances in order and lay a foundation that, once again, could be built upon. The church had been through a lot of change, and God used Steve to begin to bring things back together.
In May of 2002, Pastor Mark Williams became senior pastor. He came with a new vision and determination to look forward not backwards, and Leduc Family Worship Centre began to grow both spiritually and numerically. Pastor Mark served until May 2008.
On June 29, 2008, we voted in Landen Dorsch as our new senior pastor. At that time, Landen was serving as the Executive Director of Eagles Nest Ranch (just outside of Medicine Hat) and finished his commitment through the summer of 2008. In September, he started full-time as our senior pastor, and has been leading our church with a vision to see us grow in our love for Jesus and for one another. His passion is to see people walk in the destiny that God has ordained for each person.
As of January 1, 2013, Leduc Family Worship Centre was renamed to Gateway Family Church. This is another new and exciting chapter in our history! We are a great church involved in leading people to reach their full potential in and through Jesus Christ. We have a great vision for the future and know God is going to do far more than we can ever dream or imagine. God deserves all the praise for everything good that has happened at Gateway Family Church and we are truly grateful for what He continues to do!
In May of 2002, Pastor Mark Williams became senior pastor. He came with a new vision and determination to look forward not backwards, and Leduc Family Worship Centre began to grow both spiritually and numerically. Pastor Mark served until May 2008.
On June 29, 2008, we voted in Landen Dorsch as our new senior pastor. At that time, Landen was serving as the Executive Director of Eagles Nest Ranch (just outside of Medicine Hat) and finished his commitment through the summer of 2008. In September, he started full-time as our senior pastor, and has been leading our church with a vision to see us grow in our love for Jesus and for one another. His passion is to see people walk in the destiny that God has ordained for each person.
As of January 1, 2013, Leduc Family Worship Centre was renamed to Gateway Family Church. This is another new and exciting chapter in our history! We are a great church involved in leading people to reach their full potential in and through Jesus Christ. We have a great vision for the future and know God is going to do far more than we can ever dream or imagine. God deserves all the praise for everything good that has happened at Gateway Family Church and we are truly grateful for what He continues to do!